Friday, May 10, 2013

A new hope to quit smoking

However, to help millions of people addicted to nicotine, without wanting to go from restaurants or offices on cold winter nights, health professionals are increasingly trying to offer a new compromise: snusit proving it. I discovered about 1463 years in Sweden, is a kind of tobacco snusi placed beneath the upper lip, making it a great way to get nicotine through the mouth. Snus is banned in almost all EU countries except Sweden, which has the lowest percentage of people affected by cancer and lower the number of smokers in Europe. But these laws may not be effective for long. Rules banning probably soon will not exist, as health experts have shown that it may be less harmful alternatives for all smokers "fanatics". Last week, in a report "The Royal College of Physicians" for ways of getting nicotine through the mouth, can help smokers give up the hardened him, snus was rated as a "helper" important. "It is true that snus is safer than smoking," says Professor John Britton, a specialist at the University of Nottingham and chairman of the "Tobacco Advisory Group" which dealt with the preparation of this report. If you already are a regular smoker, without any problems then you can try this type of smoking is also less harmful to you, "he says. But the most important question which everyone would like to reply is that what resembles more snusi. Indeed, it is quite different from artificial nicotine substitutes that provide physicians through various training centers and unlike chewing gum, snusi has a taste similar to cigarettes. Moreover, it is important to note that keeping his mouth for about 20-40 minutes of "bring" a body comparable to the amount nicotinic cigarettes will piheshin within this time. Moreover, snus is a good way that you do not makes it stand out restaurants or pabeve cold winter nights, due to strong antiduhan laws. Swedes were the first to "put" in this kind of oral tobacco in the 18th century.He is so much a part of that culture, that the Swedish government entered into negotiations to allow its use when they joined the European Union (since consumption is strictly banned in the EU). Due to the strict rules of using a force tobacco revenue in 2005, in Sweden packages sold less than in any other country, while snusi ranked in first place. Today, Sweden is estimated that there are about 800,000 men and 200,000 women in its regular users in a population of nine million. The largest producer of snusit instead "Swedish Match", shows that after smoking laws, more than half a million smokers shelved packages to address these small packets of tobacco. A small box costs about 2 euros less than an ordinary pack of cigarettes. But, as the Swedish culture is mostly male, snus is less useful for women strange way in which it "blows" the upper lip. In market research, enterprise as "Swedish Match" have started to introduce small tobacco box with pink and cranberry flavors of red. Despite the rigors Sweden to control tobacco use in the country, Dr. Britton and other experts believe that the low number of smokers in this country-especially men-snusit attributed to consumption. "The number of male smokers is lower in Europe and there is no doubt that snus has made a major contribution," says Bitton. However, in boxes always read that it is a product harmful to health. Includes about 30 species snus tobacco products, which can be placed beneath the upper lip or can be absorbed. The most dangerous contain a group of chemicals called nitrosamines and some smokeless tobacco products have high levels of these substances rather than cigarettes. But the "defenders" of snusit say that currently used processes that reduce the level of these substances in the final product. Currently, even though it is widely used in the country, many Swedes are not aware that snus is less harmful than smoking. "There is a big difference in health risks between snusit and cigarettes, but most people do not know this," says Dr. Lars E Rutqvist, vice president of research at the "Swedish Match". He also adds that his biggest consumption in Sweden came especially after severe laws that prohibit it. But the good news coming from the center for cancer research stating that the Swedish snusi is less harmful than tobacco and other types used to replace it. "It is possible that it could help smokers fanatics, but it is important to note that like all tobacco products and snus is not completely without risks to health," said Jean King, director of "Cancer Research".However, recently in the journal "The Lancet" was published two studies and an editorial focusing on the large consumption of this type of tobacco, especially in Sweden and Norway. The first study was based on the percentage of some sort of cancerous diseases Swedish construction workers, followed for 20 years, while the other has evaluated the effects would be the introduction of this product in Australia. At first Swedish results, snus has no carcinogenic effects in the airways and the lungs in particular or the mucosa of the mouth and provides other respiratory diseases affecting bronshiti as chronic smokers. In short, it seems that no adverse effects on health, but they give customer satisfaction. Meanwhile, Swedish study showed that compared with non-smokers, consumers snusit double the risk posed to the pancreatic tumor. The danger is really great, but it's better to be seen in absolute terms. Thus, the percentage of Swedish smokers among pancreatic tumors was 13 cases per 100 persons per year, while between customers snusit was 8.8 among those who had never smoked weed it down to 3.9 percent, but the risk of pancreatic cancer doubled, resulting in 40 cases the disease in snusit 125,000 users. Meanwhile, the Australian study's authors say that if snus will replace cigarette, must surely have positive effects on human health. According to them, no proper study has not tried this, so they can not be regarded as "healthy". Using his biggest in Sweden is just about tradition. "It is more dangerous than using nicotine substitutes that doctors advise, but has nothing in common with the risks of smoking," said Britton, who adds that other long-term research on its effects on health will be very useful . Others are just tips. "There are no scientific evidences that smokers may very well replace it with snusin and then continue to use it all the time," he told the director of "American Cancer Society" to "The New York Time" last week. In America, Philip Morris, one of the giants of the tobacco industry has begun tests snusin market. Last week, "British American Tobacco", which covers about ten percent of sales snusit Markets in Sweden, tried to draft new rules for its legalization. In fact, snusi been banned since 1992, seeing that smokeless tobacco companies were directed mainly children and adolescents. But here lies a small problem, if tobacco companies allowed to sell suns in England, it can not satisfy them, because they can lead their customers to give up. "Their job is to sell as much tobacco as possible, so they can avoid many rules on smoking," said Dr.. Britton. It requires a strict regulatory system to monitor trading of these products. But as the country of origin, not all users snusit can enjoy all his privileges. Since Sweden allowed users to "take" their nicotine planes, cinemas or nursing breast, snusi can create more depending smoking. "There is healthy, this is not true," insists Carl Tesdordorpf, 36 years from Stockholm, who renounced the use of snusit three years ago after 13 years of use. "I have never smoked cigarettes and snus I started to drink since I was 20 years old. And I used it almost every day, and it was the first thing I do every morning. My friends I even sleep with it on that edge. When consume snus dihatat not to become black, while not relish the food. But what made me give up my health was the problem. Sunset have more nicotine, it is very difficult to give up. I have many friends who use and not many of them are the owners to give up. How can a company gain money without being concerned about people's health. "Rules of smoking in the world* In California, last week under the laws antiduhan was decided that its consumption not permitted in private apartments. In Kalabasas, city in northern California, smoking is prohibited in public places, while the law prohibits its use in private homes will come into force in November. More than 50 percent of the states in America have the same laws on tobacco.* As of October 1, smoking is prohibited in all taxis in Beijing for the Olympic games of 2008. This law has already entered in hospitals, schools, restaurants, government offices and private organizations. The whole point of this is that for the first time to have "smoke-free Olympic Games" to the Chinese capital will not have to sell tobacco in any hotel or lodging place or training environments.* In February, about 175,000 police officers were charged in France specifically to oversee antiduhan law, in force since 1991, but not implemented* In total, more than 140 countries have signed an international treaty for tobacco control in 2005, although many of them have not yet been introduced these laws. Smoking at school is still permitted in Belgium, but by September 2008."No smoking"* Chewing is one of the most ancient and most rapid practiced by "swallowing" of tobacco leaves and used by locals as North America and in the South. Still today, it is so widespread in different parts of America. Also, it is spread through athletes.Recently, the concept of nicotine replacement has re-introduced smoke-free packages as a way to help smokers break their addiction to nicotine. Nicotine gum was created back in 1970Is there a safe cigarette?It would be profitable if at least be said that a cigarette "less harmful" would exist. Tobacco industry consultant warned that as carcinogenic easily produced by burning tobacco, a completely safe cigarettes would not be impossible. Smokers can choose to cigarette tar and nicotine content. But what about a cigarette that we can not drink? Cigarette companies were overshadowed by it.This was high-tech cigarette that was designed to cigarette hot, but not burn it. She let go of nicotine vapor, which thitheshin mouth through a filter. The flaw was in its filter. He was spotted with glass fiber, which if thithej, would cause a serious problem to the health of smokers.Filters can reduce toxic, but were still very dangerous for health. Cigarettes plant origin can be a solution to the problem of smoking.However, this type cigarettes are not recommended for those who wish to quit the habit of smoking. These cigarette smoke contains tar again and carbon monoxide.Other tobacco productsMany people who use smokeless tobacco, believe it is a safer alternative cigarette. Not surprising when one hears that smoking causes lung cancer and other problems. The truth is that smokeless cigarettes are responsible for many types of cancers and other health problems. While tobacco contains carcinogenic chemicals and even without being burned, it can cause cancers of the mouth, tongue, lips and larynx. If smoke inhaled, it can cause cancer in the nose.Problems with gums and tooth decay are common problems for users of smokeless tobacco. Chewing and taking a whiff of tobacco leads to more nicotine in the body than smoking. So it becomes addictive. The cigar is a cigar cigarillo. It has the taste and smell different from regular cigarettes, because smoking is that it is old and is fermented and unfiltered. It may take several hours to be consumed and a cigarette a day can be enough to increase the risk of cancer. Like cigarettes, pipes have become a symbol of sophistication, but they carry the same risk as regular cigarettes.

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