Traveling through the time! Will it remain Sci-Fiction or become a reality?
Whenever mankind has suspected the possibility of shkencareve to create something that time has proven a successful?
We innumerable years, from experience we have learned that our human
imagined every which man may one day turn into reality. If centuries ago
will be admitted the issue of violation of the moon by human foot,
human journey into space, or some of the greatest achievements of our
science, for the time it sound impossible. However, such things are
predicted long ago and time has proven to be feasible.
Only once been viewed as fantasy and sci-fiction, but currently we time
travel is simply a problem engjinierik. Physicists kneaded by the laws
of Newton believed that time was moving in a straight line, stabilized,
the pandrysheshem, like an arrow. Then comes Ainjshtani with his
theories that suggest that more time outflows in the form of a river.
The more exercises on the energy measure, the more its changing currents
around you. Even after Ainjshtanit, many physicians believed that
tick-tap of ores only works in one direction. While moving with the
speed of light, according to the equations of the time Anjshtanit
prapseson gjigjeten (reverse-turns prapsht), a move so fast you would be
impossible because what that object reaches it peak acceleration may
become an infinite extent. So traveling in the past were an absurd!
So once thought, things have changed
By reviewing and studying equations with carefully Ainjshtanit, the
physicists have now come to realize that the current time can be
diverted into a spiral (type buttons above the large, narrow bottom).
Specifically, it will measure more koncentrosh a point to it, the more
it can turn its flow. In recent years, new models are designed
mechanisms over time tables, giant laboratories of the world.
What is the mechanism of time and why is it called such?
Simply mechanism can be described as that brings two remote points of
the line near each other time enabling the rapid transition from one
point to another (line of faking this time, the English-timelike
curves). Should know that there is not currently any No-Go theorem
mechanisms against time. Understanding the impact and consequences
Concept main prey is key to implementing the theory.
There is a problem with the concept of time travel! The idea of a
traveler who enters the mechanism to Suppose the time of hatch date and
time destination nenvlehteson in 2037 of the fact that the world is in
constant motion through space, orbiting the sun, which also is moving
through the galaxy. So counting space of time as a fourth dimencion the
Universe, this movement only across a dimencion Away can not make
possible this attitude Away at the Earth's surface, taking into account
the surface of the Earth is a moving platform with a very complicated
trajectory. Moving at the speed of light can embody 5 seconds in the air
or on the stones, earth depends nag position before or after the 5
"Distance" travel in time
Dimencioneve mixture of space and that the time, where time can be
compared with the distance that corresponds to the speed of light, in
this case 1 second is equal to a distance of 299 792 458 km. On the
other hand distance1 meter is equal to 3:34 nanoseconds. Also you can
compare the "Year" to "light year" (where the square of the distance
here is indicative opposite sign to the square of the time)
If you assume the trip through space and time will equal issued
technical difficulties, in this case with SHD movement (speed of light)
only for a second, before or after the flight can be compared with the
distance to the Moon. Movement with SHD for some years can be compared
with the distance from the Earth to the nearest star. De if I wish to
visit the time of dinosaurs, the measure can compare flight to the
nearest galaxy to galaxy.
Idea of future travel before and after in the past has always
captivated and inspired writers of SF (Science Fantastico). The
Grandfather Paradox is an argument that many people use to suggest that
time travel is impossible. What if Travelling in the past and to prevent
your Grandfather to meet your grandmother and your mother so that you
were not born? !! Thus were born you will not, etc. etc..
Until not long ago, such an argument to make the most shkencareve to
believe that time travel can be no way out egzisoje Science Fiction
creations. But weirdly, some interesting interpretations of the world
with Quantium suggest that time travel is possible, at least
Gravity and Black Holes. Einstein's theory of relativity brought about
space and time in a single, four knitting dimencionale which called
Spacetime (spacetime). We know that money can travel back and sideways
in space, and why can not travel back and forth in time? Four dimencione
is so difficult to imagjonosh Shkencaret usually suggest that you
imagine HAPS-time with a sheet stretched from all sides. If there was
any great extent this pressure the sheets, sheet will remain taut and
any object placed in them to move on in a straight line. But the bigger
picture measures (such as the sun) creates curvature in space-time
breaking this straight line. As I place a heavy object on sheet (eg a
pumpkin) will create a hole in the linen.
The universe is filled with thousands of artifacts times heavier than
the Sun that create gravity effects as a result of something such
HAPS-Time is not flat but curved. Every thing, and not excluding the
light, follow the road under the HAPS-Time curvature. We know that
Einstein was right about this theory because astronauts nowadays can
often see stars at distances that are under the disguise of close
objects such as sun Rather than travel in a straight line and being
trapped, starlight bending outflows on these measures that create the
bigger picture HAPS-time, in the curved line.
As we mentioned earlier, when a star reaches the end of his life could
collapse from inside its gravitational influence is, until a measure of
concentrated all its contents to a density object with extremely large
size and much smaller jashezakonisht from its original size. This krojon
Black Hole. Black Hole attraction gravitatcionale have extra-ordinarily
too large as that nothing can penetrate them, not even light. We can
not see Black hole for there enough evidence to prove their existence.
The astronauts could see stars acting in a way that suggests they are
attracted by the invisible objects with exceptional measures, next to
What effect does being in HapsireKohe Black Hole (Spacetime)? !!
Relativity predicts that the center of Black Holes is a point of
infinite density called a singularity, the intensity of which we all
normal laws of physics can not be exercised. Time, space, matter and
energy no longer have a clear understanding!!
But where is the next dance? It may be somewhere else in the HAPS-Time,
or in the future or in the past. Not excluded the possibility that the
universe is at rest. Assumed to be Dr Who's (for those who have seen
this film) initially avail of Black Hole force as early experiment in
Travel Time. If you have the opportunity to spend a spaceship through a
tunnel called such Ëarmhole then will you discover seretin travel time.
Mini Warmholes
Ainshtanit equations describe HAPS-time as something too smooth, as
cloth. His theory of relativity to deal with the physical side of what
is great background and does not deal with what it is we cendren a Blak
Hole or What happened at the moment of the Big Bang when the Universe
east of the HAPS-Time former small infinitualish itself. This leads us
into the world of Quantum Physics.
If I had the opportunity to see HPAS-time with a magnifying glass too
powerful too poor that I see in the Quantumit sofondin will see that
Spacetime is not smooth. Like a bubble is smooth if we see eye distance,
but if you look at the powerful magnifying tools would seem that it is
not smooth.
Turning to the question that has troubled many days shkencare from
Newton, income or is something preordained? Or is there an infinite
number of income? One way to visually Quantum world suggests that not
only there is an infinite number of income, but the infinite number of
corresponding income in the infinite number of universes. Protons and
electrons move in in waves sometimes and sometimes in a straight line,
but never simultaneously. So far the argument for interference
(interference) between a unversi with another has to do only if you're
going to Quantumi level.
But the idea of a parallel universe creates a potential solution to "the
Grandfather Paradox" which is supposed to create problems for
Travellers in time. If, for example, we travel the radhmen and change
the story, we create a new future in a parallel universe and have no
effect in that universe from which we originally came. Shkencaret of the
future may perhaps create another form of technology-based Quantumit
effects. Such may be eg, by means of Quantum Teleportation.
Ronald Mallett: flight time, maybe possible within this century
Based on the idea of Einstein's magnificent and equations related to
relativity theory, Ronald Mallett from the University of Connecticut has
prepared an experiment to observe a time travel to the intensity of the
neutron in a circulating light Lambe. While his team still needs
funding for this project, Mallett has calculated that the possibility of
time travel using this method could be verified within a decade.
Black holes, cosmic-ëormholes and wires each of these phenomena is
proposed as a method for time travel, but none of them is seen as
feasible for (at least) a number of reasons. While theoretically they
can change HAPs-time, all require a degree or amount of energy
completely inconceivable.
Mallett, prefesor physics at the University of Connecticut for over 30
years, consideron an alternative method of these other methods based on
Einstein's famous equation for relativity: E = mc2.
Ainshatini has shown that measures and energy are the same thing, says
Mallett, who has published his scientific research on time travel seen
in 2000. "The time machine which uses light desanjuar have the shape of a
circular laser for wrinkle time, instead of using massive objects."
Desanjon Mallett is a device the size of a desktop komjuteri which will
initially experiment rrudhosjen his theory on time. For that reason
subatomic particles (subatomic-something much smaller than an atom)
usually have short life outside, Mallett hopes to see the existence of
these particles but time longer than their life expectancy when the
lights placed in circulation apparatus. Long life means that these
particles would have flown in another part of time that belongs to the
"Think if you have a cup of coffee and a spoon" Mallet explains to "Coffee is an empty space and spoon is the circulating
light lambes. When the coffee mixture with spoon, coffee or empty spaces
such as sheds rrotullohet.Supozoje We called a cubic sugar in coffee!
The same is true in this device. If the device rotates empty space, will
have the opportunity to see this subatomic particle moving about this
space. "
According to Einstein, when reaches to exert an influence in space-time
effect performs as well! By turning space that makes rrotullosh time
also, which means that theoretically could walk through time as it can
walk through the space.
"As a physicist who we are, our experiment deals with subatomic
particles," says Mallett. "When will be possible for man to travel
through time depends largely on the success of these experiments, which
may well take a decade. And depending on the development, tekologjia and
funds, I believe that the human journey through time can be realized
within this century "
"What is time? This is a very difficult question, "said Mallet. "Time
has a way of sharing events from each other. Though not to think at all
time, we can see things change, seasons change, people change. The fact
that the world itself is a function of changing physical world, and does
not depend at all the time whose name you put the can.
"To physicists, time is what is measured in hours. Einstein showed that
time is affected by the movement, and his theories have been
demonstrated experimentally by comparing an atomic clock that has
circulated around the world on a plane. Is slower than that on Earth. "
Many present concerns about time travel, while Mallett, based on the
theory of parallel world, ensures that time machines will not pose any
"Grandfather paradox (which supposedly can Travelling in the past and
kill his grandfather) is not a problem," said Mallett. "With full
understanding, trip time means you traveling through time and also
traveling to another universe. Once you arrive in the past determines a
way of actions and there will be dividing border. Our universe may not
have any effect on it that makes you who Visits in the past. "
In a written above I said that if you believe in time travel
konspiracistave there. And now say with conviction that not only there
for a few decades but also practiced at those levels that you and I and
others do not have to be entered could never. It is the same scenario
that was followed by Mars. Of decades said it was a planet barren,
lifeless, red etc.. While it of decades there were those who shouted
that it was a lie and that things were hidden. Was finally forced to
admit that there is atmosphere, there is less air and recently pulled
and photos with streams of water that had leaked through the slopes of
hills. Known practical measures to cope with a truth that does not
'afford' it. Even time travel news for several months that has been
announced to be announced as soon possible and even in time. Wait for
the other things ears will hear us now.
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