Friday, May 10, 2013

Fear of spirits, protects herself with plastics in the plane

Scared of spirits occurred in the cemetery near an airport, a Jewish Orthodox believerwrapped from head to toe with a layer plastmas clasp, which had left only a few small holes for breathing.
Photo, carried out by some other fellow, was published on Friday in some of theinternational media, surprised by the strange belief Jew, dressed in robes of black andtwo elongated tails of hair near the ears of the Jewish faith.
Orthodox Jews should not be confused with the prevailing orthodoxy faith in Eastern Europe and is one of the three main religions in our country.
This term refers to those Jews who remain in those that they believe the first way, strictlyfollow the instructions of the Old Testament, the Torah and the Kabbalah (the latter twoJewish holy books), and in this sense, they have significant differences with other Israeliswho follow Judaism.
Photographed person inside the ”sack” plastic considers himself a descendant of theLevites, who according to the Bible are the elect of God to serve as priests chosenpeople Israel.
View international airport ”Ben Gurion” in Tel Aviv. Red points, places where some of the city cemetery
In his belief, flying near the cemetery can cause contact with the spirits of the dead,making it unclean.
Plastmas served believer, in his estimation, to avoid this risk on a flight to Tel Aviv,capital of Israel, beside which are some of the city’s main cemetery.

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