Friday, May 10, 2013

Two of the main causes of cancer!

Message from Morena on Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:42 pmStudies conducted by doctors in the oncology rank 12 key factors which influence the emergence of cancer diseases. Two of the main causes of the disease listed as incentives are alcohol and tobacco. Smoking among women as well as men bring repairable for lung problems, problems which go up cancerous diseases. "Tobacco and various drugs contain carcinogenic substances that cause mutations in the body, causing cancer," said the study conducted by oncology specialists. According to them, the wine and beer containing primary substances that cause cancer, even consumed 10 milliliters of alcohol.Environment and air pollution are the other factors that indicate increased lung cancer, especially in areas where there is industrial waste and toxic substances. While women who live near areas with a risk of such contamination early menopause.The choice of food does to keep cancer away. This is one of the main advice oncologist doctors who do not recommend the use of foods that contain toxic elements. So canned, fish aquarium or even increase in industrial milk contain substances that cause cancer of the colon or the digestive apparatus. But contaminated water may be one of the main factors to show that different tumors. Studies in recent years have shown that women are more affected by the risk of cancer because of the chemicals that the situation at home. "Paint the walls, furniture, carpets, clothes. But even cosmetics, shampoos and various cleaning products for household may be the cause of the appearance of cancer "European researchers say. While the gas, gasoline and oil especially for those working to extract them are the cause of tumors. According to experts, show skin cancer risk to the pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.Catalytic factors:Smoking is recognized as one of the main factors for the appearance of tumors in the lungIndustrial toxic waste and cause lung cancer and menopause among womenDrinking alcohol is known as one of the factors leading to the occurrence of gastric cancerToxic elements in foods pose a risk to the emergence of colon cancerRadioactive rays remain one of the main causes of the appearance of the skin cancerThe high level of hormones leads to rapid menopause women and cervical carcinomaConsuming water becomes polluted due to different mutations in tumors showChemicals found in the home are one of the main factors in the occurrence of lung cancerGas, gasoline, kerosene, especially for workers in these sectors are cause for many tumorsPharmaceutical products are uncontrolled if the cause of the occurrence of various tumorsCosmetic products of poor quality foster the emergence of skin tumorsMammographyIdentified 30 cases of breast cancerAbout 30 women have resulted in the positive performance of mammography. According to these doctors are affected by breast cancer. Since the period of installation of these devices have so far committed about two thousand examinations all free. "This figure is too high in terms of the number of examinations. So there were only 2 thousand examinations and have 30 women that have breast cancer "stated Enzo Lattanzio, Director Senologjise center in Bari, Italy. According to him, these cases belong aged 35 to 55 years old. The data show that 100 per cent of cases women are voluntarily submitted for examination, which means that awareness has been one of the highlights of the achievements of the project. While conducting such an examination in polyclinics country is free to all women over 35 years old. But the tests performed on the new age when it has seen.MenCancer affects the lungs wereIt seems that the consumption of alcohol or smoking are also major causes of the appearance of lung cancer in men. The data show that about 306 cases occur each year with this kind of disease, while in terms of their mortality data is not accurate. After lung tumors in the skin are those who have score 291, which is thought to be caused by harmful rays or skin disease which budging until tumors. Prostate is one of the types of tumors that grew cases every year. The data show that about 130 people registered with this kind of illness during a year. But even stomach cancer continues to mark a large number of cases in men and by physicians ranked fifth marking over 100 cases over a period of 12 months. Other types of cancer that have fewer than 100 cases in men are central nervous system, larinksi, leukemia and malignant lymphoma. While the small number of cases of cancer in the liver mark with 37 men affected per year. In the same period in 1700 registered men who are affected by these 10 types of cancers, and of these 456 people are affected by different types of tumors.WomenTumors in intimate areasMost of the women affected by tumors, breast have it that causes the 400 victims per year, while the number of those affected is greater. But, again, the number of women affected by cervical cancer remains so disturbing about 230 new cases each year marked. The data show that the UHC-200 cases lose their lives. While the tumors that arise in the skin remain in the same numbers as men and women further. Although men they were in second place among women and has a large number of these cases. Data regojne than 147 casesnew marked a period of 12 months. Then have stomach cancer and ii ii central nervous system that also mark between 48 and 70 cases. The lungs while men occupied the first place in women they are only 35 cases and that due to the consumption of alcohol and tobacco package part. The data show that in the other cases the tumors found in the female ovary, malignant limom, rectum, pancreas. Among female sex also marked the 315 cases of various tumors, while we counted over 1250 a year affected by tumor.50.2% of deaths in our country marked by cardiovascular diseases. According to doctors, these diseases are more prevalent and because it remains tobacco, alcohol, and obesity. But, besides these factors affect the food with more fat, way of life, stay at work or neglecting yourself. With the risk of heart disease remain men, while as for women, they risk after menopause.16.6% of Albanian deaths caused by cancer, the disease that comes as cases increases day by day. While the type that causes the greatest number of deaths is lung cancer and one breast in women. But also skin cancer is one of the major causes of death among both sexes who are affected by it. But the results that are affected third age over 65 years, but not exclude young people in recent years11.3% of deaths caused by various reasons, which are not met by doctors to determine. Although patients are affected by a disease, it is not achieved caught in the first stages or advanced, up to the moment that causes mortality. These kinds of death occupy a considerable number after the third rank in our country after cardiovascular disease and cancer. But, sometimes the causes are natural.6.8% of deaths caused by road accidents and work. According to Ministry of Health data show that accidents remain at high levels, marking 6.8 percent of deaths occurring. The numerous deaths caused by automobile accidents, which in recent years increased almost every day. While the accidents at work remains worrisome especially in mining, construction and factories.3500 people are affected each year in our country from cancerous diseases. According to Albanian oncologist, despite our data are good, there is an increasing trend of cases, which over time will be comparable to European statistics. Register affected by cancer patients with age show that it is affected by the third, but recent years have seen the touch of persons over 40 years old. Cases are almost the same as the males to females600 deaths each year among women marked by cancerous diseases. The data Tirana University Hospital Center "Mother Teresa", show that about 400 women a year lose their lives from breast cancer, while about 200 other cancer cervix. The data of oncological services some form of breast cancer that, in the past three decades has tripled. The first takes place lung cancer for men, while for women the voice of breast cancer.

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