Friday, May 10, 2013

Strong conflict between oceanographers and the U.S. Navy about mysterious sounds coming from the depths of the ocean.

A cable which is located 2.5 kilometers below the ocean surface, in Vancouver, Canada, allows scientists to study the University of Victoria mysterious sounds emanating from the depths of the ocean. The project is titled "Poseidon" and has aroused strong reactions in the U.S., reaching the highest levels of the U.S. Navy's Naval Forces.

Through this project, many scientists manage to gather a lot of information, about the water pressure and wider, which enables them to better perceive the movements of a possible tsunami in the ocean and can absorb more complete warning systems.

But also have the opportunity to hear and ... everything!
Advanced microphone technology, are able to absorb any kind of sound, like whales or any other animal and water up to the plate tectonic tremors and every movement of vessels. Now these sounds are available and can hear and site.

"They were like big ears that are in the depths of the ocean," says Michelle Antrem, an expert from the Technical University of Catalonia in Barcelona, ​​which takes over part of Vancouver's program.

Here's consecutive decades, ocean sounds, regarded as secret military information. U.S. Military Navy already, do not worry that easy access by the scientists in these mysterious sounds, it is dangerous to their military missions. U.S. Navy military specialist, who claim that any system which has such a listener, may at any time disclose the location of ships or navy fleet.

Among others, scientists believe that the U.S. military navy can not pretend any ocean, is "ownership" of it. Certainly one of the factors that have troubled the Marine generals of the U.S. military is the study of mysterious sounds coming from the depths of the ocean, the scientists, until some time after the first, the technology is already available to researchers , and banned military considered, but now it is in the hands of scientists

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