Friday, May 10, 2013

Look at what age children should use cell phone, computer and internet

But at what age should a child take its first handset, laptop or virtual persona known? These are questions that parents do XXI century, and there is no know from generations ago. New York Times has published an article which shows the problems that parents faced today. You can not tell your children now teenagers, “When I was a boy, I can not write messages limit is until I went to high school.
Some parents expose their children before advanced technology at a young age, giving them mobile, videogame, computer, etc.. But everything has its time, and such action may be harmful to your baby. From age 0 to 2 years can not even move the mouse or command of television, stage which a researcher, Piaget, phase calls “sensoromotore” where a child just seeing, touching, hearing familiar with the surrounding world. Children aged 3-5 years nowadays can often be found playing with their parents’ phones. Although it does not seem harmful action here start defects in your child’s behavior.
Children 6-11 years of age can walk the bike, may be able to enter the world of internet, computer address to expand their knowledge, but in every moment should be controlled by parents. Piaget calls this stage “concrete operations” because children have so far been full of abstract ideas. After the age of 10 some children begin to edit video and software programs like MIT Scratch, free Windows program. Scratch helps children to request and collect certain game rules by merging particles of different figures.
Age 12 years old although become “lazy” to be led, high school senior and they enrich the sense of being an adult. In this age do teens want an adult actions and behave as such. They arrive at that age that Piaget calls “formal operation”, capable of zhbiruar in the world of computer, internet, telephone, mobile phone, MP3 and notebook personal games. This strongly affects communication in society.
In fact, mobile phones are more or less mandatory for children at this age. Apart from that show social advantage, phones can reduce stress, allow children and adolescents to communicate with each other for different tasks, etc.. Giving a child ready to move to a college laptop, that he would be leaving games MP3, before reaching the time to run the university, was introduced in the computer world. So they can create separate folders in Google Page Creator to see everything they want and need, and endless information to become future entrepreneurs.
If he were alive today Piaget would definitely advise parents of young children that everything, even if no battery or not, is a discovery that take place every day. But toys work best when they are organized according to the child’s level of development.
The risk of damage from sunlight phones
Many organizations including mobile phone industry reduce the risk of damage from sunlight phones. Study results in shorter terms are used to convince consumers that the use of a mobile phone is not associated with a brain tumor or cancer, only ten years to develop after exposure. To be complete, no one knows exactly how much damage can provoke a cell phone. Study shows how dangerous is the radiation of mobile phones. People should avoid using them.
Although so far no one has proven that mobile phone radiation can cause something like that. Children should stop using the phone because their brain is still growing and is especially their brains damaged by radiation more mobile. Using a mobile phone for more than ten years significantly increases the risk to be affected by the tumor in the head, showing the most recent studies in this area.
Despite the “guarantees” that give production companies that they do not harm health, using a mobile phone for more than ten years significantly increases the risk to be affected by the tumor in the head. The scientists who conducted this study concluded that the use of the phone for an hour a day is more than enough to increase the risk, while international standards used so far to protect users from radiation are not accurate and should be reviewed definitely. After a series of detailed studies, they sought to show that “we must be careful and limited use so as artroza celularë.Sëmundje phones or herniated disc is the second cause of neck pain, but both situations can be active simultaneously. suffering from these diseases who tries to avoid rotation of the head and shoulder movements exactly the pain that it causes.
Phone radiation on humans
For the GSM system (system of today’s mobile phone), it is known that the carrier frequency is 900MHz, but in truth it lies between 890MHz and 915Mhz. Within this band, cellular base attributes to each user a bunch of 0.2Mhz closer to each conversation. This band changes the subscriber moves from one place to another, as in this case the band moves. Within each bunch note that information transmitted impulses where a pulse is about 576μs and repeated every 4.6 ms. So cyclic ratio is 1/8 and repeated every 217Hz.
This causes the frequency band used by 8 users. One consequence of this fractionation limit referred interaction with users, is a proportional reduction of power Pmes average, compared with the maximum power, Pmax is 2 W. Nearly 40% of the energy radiated by the mobile above that absorbed by the head. If you consider the weight of the head is approximately 3 kg debit conclude that the specific absorption is 0:03 W / kg. Meanwhile, the absorption of energy in the head is not homogeneous since 70% of the absorbed energy lies in a rib 5cm cube with a weight of 125gr. Local SAR is higher in this area and reaches the level of 0.6 W / kg. In conclusion, radiation handset in the head with a SAR or DAS intensity from 0.3 to 0.6 W / kg SAR indicates that the size is bigger on the inside of the skin.
In 1968 it is concluded that negative effects on radio frequent starting dose of 4 W / kg and above, and on this basis there is a safety factor of 10 times smaller, recognizing the dose limit of 0.4 W / kg. Some years ago, this dose for security purposes is further reduced to 0.08 W / kg for public exposure, ie 50 times less.

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